Camping – Preventing Blisters on Your Feet by Wearing the Right Camping Supplies


If you are interested in blister prevention socks, you probably already know that there are a number of different benefits, but most people don’t really understand the science behind them. Basically, they are designed to prevent blistering and itching in a particular area by creating a barrier between the skin and the outer layers of skin. Because of this, they potentially can also cause or increase blister growth above the surface of the skin, for instance, on the bottom of your foot. So, lets consider some blister prevention sock facts. First, l cover the primary function of moisture-control.

Second, it looks at the secondary function of anti-friction. Since boots and shoes are, for the most part, made from very hard materials (think leather, etc. ), they can actually create very high levels of friction against your skin, causing blisters or other forms of irritation. So, essentially, using these types of boots and shoes can be a major cause of blistering problems, so its best to just skip them altogether and wear some blister prevention socks.

Finally, blister prevention socks help increase the effectiveness of your other moisture-conserving methods. For instance, by preventing the formation of ice pockets in your hiking socks, you will reduce the amount of friction that happens between the sole of your shoes and your skin. This increased friction reduces the formation of blistering, as well as the discomfort associated with them. Essentially, by utilizing these types of socks and boots, you’ll be less likely to develop blisters on your feet during your next camping trip, summer hiking trip, or any other outdoor activity you may partake in. You should definitely make the effort to look into these boots and socks before next season, and you won’t regret it.
